For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, February 21, 2025

February 21, 2025

What are the chances Bizarro would have back-to-back cartoons about hip replacement?  Anna is recovering nicely, thank you for asking.  She says there will be no visible scar, as the incision was made along the "bikini line" (see 2023 Maui photo below).  This is a comfort to me.  I don't anticipate having hip replacement surgery, but it's good to know that I would still be able to sunbathe around the pool in my Speedo without an ugly scar.  (My eyes are up HERE, ladies!)

Meredith Andrews, the cutest redhead on the Class of '62 Songleading Squad, tells us what's been happening in her life.  Click HERE to see what she had to say.

Boy, this took me back to when I used to run with the "cool kids" in the Slide Rule Club at Horace Mann.  My dad had one like this when he worked at Ryan.  I still remember the brand -- Keuffel & Esser.  The ones we had at Horace Mann were made of wood, and wouldn't slide when it was humid.

The names have changed, but the view's the same.  I've enlarged this photo of a car at the crest of McGonigle Canyon Road and added to a 1946 photo with a similar view of Torrey Pines Beach and Los Penasquitos Lagoon.  Click HERE to check out both of them.


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