The Sweetheart of Crawford High has died. Sharrin Mass Miller
'61 passed away this past Monday -- February 4th -- after a long
illness. Her children have written a lengthy, heartfelt
testimonial, a short version of which I've placed on the Class of '61
Obituary Page. A complete version is posted on the
web site.
A funeral service and celebration of Sharrin's life will be held on Saturday, February 8 at 11 AM in the Bountiful 19th Ward, 1540 North 400 East, Bountiful, Utah. The funeral will be broadcast on Zoom at the following link:
I hope you can get a chuckle out of this Bizarro cartoon.
Colleen Shannon shared on Facebook a postcard of the Palms Motor
Court, at 6784 El Cajon Blvd, where her family lived for a bit.
Click HERE
to take a look.
This shot of a pastoral Mission Valley with a brand new freeway
exchange sent me to the UT archives to see if I could place a date
on it. Click HERE
to see what I learned. Yes, girls, that's Kenmore Stables in the
Linda Andrews Taylor sent word that her brother Ron passed away
February 17, 2020. Yes, that IS four years ago. I asked her for
additional information, but haven't heard back.
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