For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, April 19, 2024

April 19, 2024

After a number of false starts I was able to get a Macintosh expert, thanks to Charles Hansen, to come to my place and transfer data from my old computer to the new iMac with two major exceptions -- Thunderbird email and Filemaker database.  I use Filemaker to generate mailing labels for the quarterly newsletter.  This guy was really good, but he couldn’t figure out how to make Thunderbird work on my new computer.  If you get this, my old computer is still working. and appear to be the best email addresses if you need to contact me.


Remember when you (well, not me) would sidle up to a girl and softly say Psst -- It's snowin' down south?

I'm guessing this photo of Mission Valley was taken around 1920, from where the Junipero Serra Museum is today.  It's credited to the Bunnell Photo Shop.  I always wondered if my classmate Doug Bunnell was a relative, but I think he told me once he wasn't.  Click HERE for an enlargement.

Here's a treasure I found at the bottom of the Dietra Anderson gift box.  It's undated, but appears to have been published during the 1957-1958 school year at Horace Mann.   Click HERE for 8 pages of 1950s' Jive Chatter.

Kevin Thrash ’74 was a classmate of mine at Andrew Jackson, Horace Mann and Crawford.   He was a big part of the football team and played college football in west Texas.  He died April 14, 2024 -- Dale Olson