For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19, 2015

The Summer Solstice will occur at 9:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time on Sunday.  I'm pretty sure that means it'll be Spring when I enter Starbucks at 9 and Summer when I leave at 10.

Roy Boughton '59 wonders if Chuck Woolsey was the Music Appreciation Teacher at Hoover that Elaine Robinson Davis liked so much in Summer School.  Elaine has dug into her oldest records and retrieved the correct answer.  It was Mr. Julian who she liked so much in the Summer of 1958.

Steve Brownell '64 and wife Sandy are moving to Brevard, South Carolina from their long time abode in Orange County.  He says this will give him a chance to realize a lifetime dream -- owning a tractor.  

Here's a photo of my sister Vicki and I on OUR tractor in Spring Valley circa 1949.

Sharon Stevens Leibl '62 and Dick are making a shorter move -- from Long Beach to Los Alamitos.

Here is one of the interesting ads in the October 15, 1964 Homecoming Issue of the Pacer loaned to me by Marv Abrams '65.  Click HERE to read all six pages.

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