For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, November 5, 2021

November 5, 2021

The best -- and only -- color photo of Palisade Gardens Skating Rink I'm aware of resurfaced this week as a National Archives download on Facebook.  Click HERE to see an enlargement and the link to a Reader article on the history of the place.

An article on the front page of the November 5, 1971 Pacer -- published 50 years ago -- says they're gonna try a No Bells System.  I wonder how that worked out.   Click HERE to read the paper.

Oh, THAT Mrs. Anderson!!  Turns out a number of Colts weren't familiar with a Mrs. Anderson at Crawford.  Bob Richardson notes that early Colts knew her as Mrs. Caldwell.  She apparently had the nerve to  go off and get married.  You can revisit her obituary on the Faculty Obituary Page.

Darrell Bremner ’69 passed away after a long battle with kidney disease.  He played the accordion and piano from about seven years old. He had a band, RPM, for many years and played in local clubs and restaurants.  In his later years he played in assisted living homes and brought joy to many people.   Until Covid began in 2020 he was playing at La Vida Real in La Mesa and Wesley Palms in Pacific Beach.  During Covid he continued to play via Zoom Sessions!   He is survived by, among others, his sisters Jan Bremner Hall ’66 and Patty Bremner Brubaker ’72.