For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, April 5, 2013

I visited Mom briefly on Easter Sunday at Renown Care and Nancy took this picture of the two of us.  Old age is definitely not for sissies.  

Subscription renewal envelopes for the Class of '66 went out in Tuesday's mail.  

Bob Kerns '63 sends word that his brother Don Kerns, who didn't quite graduate with the Class of '60, passed away suddenly on March 19th.  Click HERE to access the Class of '60 Obituary Page, where you can read about Don and sign the guest book.

Elaine Robinson Davis '61 poses with members of the Hamer tribe of southern Ethiopia.  That's her son-in-law John at left.  I don't know if all of these ladies are married to the same lucky guy, but Elaine indicated that the woman next to John is the First Wife, a status declared by her permanent leather collar.

A larger version of this Class of '63 Save The Date Card can be found on both the Class of '63 Missing Page and Class of '63 Email Page.  '63 grads should be receiving one in the mail this week in addition.

Here's the cover of the 1963 Vespers Program, held at Russ Auditorium on June 9, 1963.  Click HERE to read what's inside.  And thanks, once again, to Ann Roskos Roffelsen.

Mary Leiser Galer '63 passed away March 23rd in Warrenton, Virginia.  Click HERE to go to the '63 Obituary Page, where you can read her obituary and sign the guest book.

Lee Cook '66 ventured west of I-5 to the La Jolla home of Mitt Romney.  I'm sure there's more to the story, but I suspect that Lee just stuck around long enough to get his picture taken.