For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, March 24, 2023

March 24, 2023

'63 classmates Kathy Houser Nolan, Jerry Lovelady, Linda Johnson Wise, and Jerry's wife Nancy gathered for lunch earlier this month.  Click HERE for the details and a bigger picture.

Remember Don Jose's, on El Cajon, near Hoover High.  Our family visited there once in my youth.  I was probably 12, going on 9, and wasn't impressed.  In later years I'll bet I would have LOVED it.  Click HERE to revisit the Don Jose's page. 

Yoli Leon Banda '65 asks her classmates to Save The Date -- Friday, October, 6, 2023 --  For a class reunion buffet luncheon, 11-3, at Admiral Baker Field.  It gives me an excuse to share, once again, the photo I took at the Admiral Baker swimming pool in 1964.  Click HERE if you'd like a larger view.

Click HERE to peruse the 6-page March 23, 1963 Pacer