For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, October 13, 2023

October 13, 2023

How was your American Indigenous People Day?  It may be just a coincidence that Rolfe Pope shared this Bizarro cartoon with me.

Owen Western '63 is bracketed by two local media personalities at the Annual Radio and TV Reunion held on Owen's birthday -- October 10th.  Click HERE for a bigger picture and names.

Seven members of the Class of '63 got together for lunch at the Original Pancake House on October 8th.  Click HERE for a bigger picture and names.

Last week's color photo of Monte Hall sent Gil Tisnado back to his Tiny Town Ranch files.  Click HERE to see three additional photos.

Dietra Anderson Davis has sent me a giant package of Crawford memorabilia.  I've added a Dietra Anderson page to my web site so we'll have someplace to check this stuff out.  Click HERE to get started with the 1961 Fillies Follies program.

We LOVE color photos from the '50s with cars in them.  This is the South Seas Cafe on Pacific Highway, east of MCRD.  Click HERE for an enlargement -- and a lot more information on San Diego's first Tahitian-themed Tiki restaurant.