For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

February 19, 2021

Great humor is ageless.  This Far Side cartoon is from April 1, 1985

Who knew?  The Green Hornet was created 85 years ago by George Trendle.  George was a talented guy who also had a hand in the production of The Lone Ranger.  His granddaughter is Mary Kay Johnston '66.  Her email to the Crawford Foundation notes that she is the Vice President of the Hornet Board, which hopes to get a new movie out in a year or so.  Her siblings are Bill Johnston (AKA Billy St. John) '70, George Johnston (who graduated from another school in 1974) and Ann Johnston '76.

Spring Training for the Padres begins this week in Arizona -- maybe.  Click HERE to get the names on this team, photographed 65 years ago.