For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Assembling the Ford Model T

I've been hearing about this video and finally took the time to watch it when it came around again last week.  It's a fascinating video of film shot nearly a century ago of the Ford Model T on the assembly line.  Click HERE to watch Henry Ford personally ride in the Model T Number 15,000,000.

Golden Anniversary Pacer

Doug Newberry's 1929 Model A Coupe was the featured automobile in the Pacer for January 12, 1961 -- 50 Years Ago.  Click HERE to read all four pages.

Ernie Dronenburg Wears Many Hats

The Business Section of the Union-Tribune had a big article on Ernie Dronenburg on Thursday, January 12th. Turns out he's now San Diego County's Assessor, recorder and clerk.  Click HERE to read the story.

A Postcard From The Past

Recognize this tower.  Me, too, but I didn't know its name.  I knew the one across the bay, but only because Coit Tower sounded almost risque in my youth.  Bob Richardson says it's a postcard of Sather Tower at Berkeley, but I'll let him tell the story.  Click HERE