For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, March 8, 2024

March 8, 2024

Looks like cartoonist Harry Bliss has a new twist on the Grim Reaper theme.  It appears that Father Time is waiting at the curb for Grandma and Grandpa.  

I always enjoy that first photo of the Carlsbad Flower Fields published in the Union-Tribune.  This one was in Monday's UT.  Click HERE to see a larger version.

Five Fabulous Fillies from the Class of '64 had lunch last Friday at True Foods in Fashion Valley.  Click HERE for an enlargement with names.

Scott Shaw found another photo of the Sombrero Taco Shop on El Cajon and Montezuma.  Click HERE to check it out.  Maybe YOU can figure out if this is newer or older than the one I first posted.

Here's the March 1, 1973 Pacer, courtesy of Tracy Gantz.  I should have shared it LAST Fry Day, but it fell through the cracks.  Click HERE to peruse all four pages.

I found some Horace Mann school papers in the Dietra Anderson memorabilia.  Her copy from November 14, 1958 was better than the one I'd already posted so I made the change.  Click HERE to go WAY back.