For people who attended Crawford High School or would have attended if they hadn't
moved -- or just have fond memories of San Diego in the '40s, '50s and '60s.

Check out the Crawford High web site.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Some of you have been asking about Mom -- and telling me you miss dining vicariously with Nancy and I (or is it Nancy and me?)   Mom's hanging in there.  I think she knows who I am, and I can usually coax a Mona Lisa smile out of her.  When I ask how's she's doing she says, "bad".  Attempts to communicate further don't end well.  On the dining front, we're staying close to home.  It would appear that Nancy would rather have Eggs Benedict at The Green Flash than go anywhere else.  Maybe it's because they made them special for her birthday on November 16th.

Here's a photo from the San Diego History Center, taken on June 19, 1942. You may already recognize it as El Cajon Boulevard, looking west at Alabama Street.  Click HERE enjoy a nice enlarged view.   It's unusual to get exact dates on historical photos and I'm worried about this one.  Some of the cars look newer than 1942 to me.  Maybe you experts can check in.  

Mary Wilcox Craven '63 enjoyed reading about the winning speech team in the November 24, 1971 Pacer and thought you'd like to know the name of the speech teacher.  It was Mary Wilcox Craven.

From the 3-ring binder of Kris Pruski Wood '70 you can check out the Top 100 Hits of 1968 from radio station KGB.  Click HERE to refresh your memory.  (I've enlarged the original list so you won't have to get right up on the computer screen).

From Bob Skirvin '71 -- "As cosmic serendipity would have it, Helen Draz called me on a referral to perform some carpet repairs at their house in University City.  When I walked in and saw Coach, I said "I know you!".  Of course I had seen him around town from time to time driving the VW bug that he seemingly had forever, but this was the first personal interaction I had with him in the last 40 years or so (and no, the bug is gone).   Coach Draz and his wife are a lovely, happy couple and it was a pleasure visiting with and working for them.  Coach and I are each having birthdays this time of year and combined, we're something like 142 years old.  Holy shit!  Where has the time gone?  I want it back!  Coach pulled out a few old Centaurs so we could look at ourselves from back in the day.  He even pulled out a '64 Centaur that featured both he and my dad, Emmett, in the one year that their service at Crawford overlapped."

Tom Cassie '62 sends word of the passing of our classmate Larry Urdahl on November 28th in Sedona, Arizona.  There is no word yet on local services, but you can read a nice article in East County Magazine.

Rick Blaine '64 says his classmate Edna "Eddie" Timmons Hart died on November 30th in Columbus, Ohio.  Only problem is -- I can't find her in the '64 Centaur.  Can you help?  In the meantime, you can read an obituary in the Columbus Dispatch.

1 comment:

  1. Did anyone else notice the price of gas at the gas station on the right of the photo? I can remember twice that amount.
