Tom Koester '61
Wonder what ever happened to this guy. Click HERE and be amazed
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Tom Koester '61
Wonder what ever happened to this guy. Click HERE and be amazed
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Phyllis Schwartz Writes:
My new children's picture book released March 7th, is called
"Laggie and Grillo: An Unlikely Friendship.” It's about a little
girl who befriends some backyard critters — a lizard and a cricket
— because her parents won't let her have a pet. "Unlikely"
because lizards eat crickets in real life! I'm going to be
interviewed live about the book on KFMB's morning show next
Wednesday March 12th and on CW Channel 6 at 7:45-ish. Maybe some
Colts can come to my book signing at Warwick's in La Jolla on
Sunday March 16th from 1 to 3pm. I would love to see them!
My website has more information including other events.
Phyllis Schwartz '72
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Hint: Preying Mantis ladies chew off the head of "their man"
after sex.
Scott Shaw '68 has a seemingly endless supply of comic book covers and memorabilia. This one caught my eye.
Scott's classmate Debi Roel Noris sent me this slightly-worn
career brochure. She's the blonde. She's still flying, but
spending a lot of time wiping the noses of sick grandchildren.
She says the being a flight attendant is easier.
I snagged this night shot of the NEW Crawford and tried to match it up with my website profile picture. If you really twist your neck it sort of works. Click HERE to see the photos enlarged AND take that 2022 tour of campus again.